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15.02.2025 #news 405 1 мин
22nd International Specialized Exhibition "Education and Career. Training technologies-2025 "
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On February 14, 2025, the 22nd International Specialized Exhibition for Schoolchildren, Applicants, Students, University graduates, parents, business, business and the public “Education and Career, started in the Belexpo Exhibition Complex. Training technologies-2025 ".
this year, 46 higher educational institutions, 68 colleges, 42 enterprises-customers of personnel from all over the country, as well as participants from Russia and Kazakhstan gathered at one exhibition site.
The purpose of the exhibition "Education and career. Educational technologies-2025 ”is to receive a response of graduates of schools, applicants, students to the question: who to get and where to go to study?
at the opening of the exhibition was attended by the college administration, director Shatalova Victoria Viktorovna, deputy director for educational work Summer Franz Stanislavovich, Deputy Director for Production Education Naumenko Zhanna Nikolaevna and the head of the ICT and Electronics Center of Kochnev Victoria Nikolaevna, as well as representatives of personnel customer organizations: Integral OJSC-the managing company of Integral Holding and UE, with whom Minsk The radio engineering college has been cooperating for many years.
^ Minsk Radio Engineering College was presented by teachers Avkhimovich Irina Vasilievna, Boyko Daria Anatolyevna, chairman of the cyclic commission PEEU Sidorovich Tatyana Ivanovna and students of the electronics department.